Med Spa & Aesthetic Treatments

What to Expect at Your Next Appointment

We’ve been away for quite some time, and we appreciate how patiently you’ve waited. But we’re thrilled to announce we will finally be re-opening June 1st, and we can’t wait to see you!

Even though things may seem a bit different at first, we want to remind you that the safety and well-being of our clients and staff have always been (and always will be) our top priority. With that in mind, it’s important we share with you some recent changes we’ve embraced at our office to make sure it’s the utmost safe environment for everyone.

In addition to each member of our staff wearing masks and gloves and having their temperatures checked daily, we’re taking things a bit further by asking our clients a few brief questions as a precautionary measure. Here is what we’ll be asking you to confirm before you come to see us.

  • I have not returned from any foreign country within the last 14 days.
  • I have not had close contact with or cared for someone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days.
  • I have not been in close contact with anyone who has traveled to any other country in the last 14 days.
  • I have not experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days (which include fever, cough, sore throat, respiratory illness, difficulty breathing).
  • If I am unable to attest to questions 1-4, I must call to reschedule my appointment for a later date.
  • I understand that I am required to provide my own mask and wear it upon entering the facility.
  • Children, family, friends, etc. will not be permitted to accompany me into the facility during my visit.

You can expect each treatment room and common area at our practice to be thoroughly sanitized at the beginning of each day as well and immediately following each client interaction. We’re also spacing appointment times out to ensure proper social distancing at any given time. And it won’t be difficult for you to notice the abundance of hand sanitizer located throughout our office.

We love our clients and are so happy to be a part of your lives again. All of these new measures, even if somewhat inconvenient, are to make sure your visit with us is the safest it can possibly be.

Since everyone’s been patiently waiting, appointments are filling up fast. So call us today! We look forward to seeing you very soon!