Med Spa & Aesthetic Treatments

What Is Sculptra? 7 Questions Answered


Did you know that collagen is the most abundant protein in your body? Not only does it account for about a third of your body’s protein composition, but it is also responsible for giving your skin structure. 

Every year, the skin’s ability to replenish collagen naturally decreases. The average person loses about 1% of collagen per year, causing wrinkles and fine lines to become more apparent. 

Although this is normal, nowadays there is a fantastic solution to replenish collagen and make your skin look more youthful. Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable that helps address one of the biggest underlying causes of facial aging. It is a great treatment with gradual results that can help you achieve the skin of your dreams!

So, if this sounds like something you might like, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Sculptra. 

1. What Is Sculptra? 

Sculptra is an injectable dermal filler that helps fight aging skin. The main ingredient in its formula is poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), which is responsible for stimulating collagen, providing long-lasting results. 

Although nowadays this is an incredibly popular way of getting youthful skin, Sculptra injections are not new. They were first introduced in 1999. Since then, this injection has helped many people address their skin concerns. 

Sculptra helps increase the skin’s thickness, significantly improving the appearance of folds, wrinkles, and fine lines. 

2. How Does Sculptra Work?

Unlike other dermal fillers, Sculptra does not simply fill wrinkles and fine lines to give the skin a more youthful appearance. Instead, this injection spurs collagen production, tacking the underlying cause of aging skin. 

It is important to understand that the formula of Sculptra is not what fills in the wrinkles. The formula gets absorbed by the tissue, helping the skin produce more collagen. When the collagen is replenished, the face begins to look and feel fuller, diminishing the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

The PLLA in the formula helps to naturally restore fullness to the face. Therefore, the results achieved with this injection look soft and completely natural.

One of the benefits of Sculptra is that results begin to appear gradually, and can last for two years. For the injections to work, a treatment regimen is necessary. 

Consulting with a professional is always recommended to determine the number of injections necessary. However, individuals usually need three injections in the course of three to four months to see desired results. 

3. What Are the Benefits of Sculptra? 

Sculptra injections deliver extremely natural-looking results. In addition, its formula is safe and biocompatible. The primary ingredient of Sculptra derives from lactic acid, which is a substance that can already be found throughout the body. 

Therefore, there is a very low risk of getting an allergic reaction. So low, that when you make an appointment to get your Sculptra injections, you are not even required to get an allergy test. 

Sculptra is a non-surgical and minimally-invasive procedure, allowing you to go back to your life without needing significant downtime. Its results appear gradually, which makes them look completely natural. 

It takes the body around 6 weeks to produce collagen. Patients tend to begin seeing incredible results a few weeks after the injection is administered. However, because the results are gradual, patients continue to see their skin improving months after the injection.

The results of Sculptra can last for up to two years! 

4. What Are the Treatment Areas?

Sculptra is most commonly used to reduce facial folds and wrinkles. It is a very popular injection to treat smile lines and wrinkles in other areas of the face such as the nose and chin. 

Many people have also used Sculptra to treat cellulite, and wrinkles in other parts of the body such as the chest. 

In addition, some people have also used Sculptra to bulk up. In fact, because it regenerates collagen, the formula can help add muscle mass and definition in areas such as the glutes, biceps, things, amongst others. 

5. What Is The Procedure Like? 

First, you will book an initial consultation to go over your medical history and determine if Sculptra is the right option for you. If it is, you will schedule your first treatment appointment.

Before going in for your first injections, avoid taking any anti-inflammatory drugs, Omega 3 supplements, or vitamin E to minimize bruising. 

At that appointment, a trained professional will map out injections spots on your skin, and clean the area. You will have the option to apply topical anesthesia to the areas being treated to help avoid any discomfort.  

Once the skin is prepped, the formula will be administered through a series of small injections. After this, you will be able to resume your normal life. 

Sculptra requires several injections because it is not like other dermal fillers. For the PLLA to work properly, it needs the treatments to be spaced out in the course of a few weeks. 

After your first treatment, talk to your doctor about when you should schedule the next appointment. 

6. Is Sculptra Safe?

Sculptra is an FDA-approved procedure and is completely safe. The ingredients found in the formula are easily absorbed by the body. In addition, it does not contain any animal products. 

Although Sculptra is safe for most people, you should not consider it if you fall into any of these categories:  

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • If you are immunocompromised 
  • If you suffer from autoimmune problems 
  • If you are younger than 18 years old
  • If you are allergic to any of the ingredients found in Sculptra
  • If you are prone to irregular scarring

If you are suffering from any skin irritations, redness, or rashes, you should wait until they are resolved. It is important to consult with a professional to see if Sculptra is the right injection for you.  

7. Who Is a Good Candidate for Sculptra? 

If you don’t fall into the list previously mentioned, you might be a good candidate for Sculptra injections.

Sculptra works best to restore volume and plumpness into areas that have been affected by aging or even weight loss. If you are looking for a dermal filler that is semi-permanent and has natural-looking results, Sculptra might be the best option for you. 

Patients who get Sculptra are both men and women usually between the ages of 25 and 75 years old.  

What To Expect After Sculptra 

The ultimate result of a Sculptra treatment is fuller-looking skin. After a completed treatment of this dermal filler, you can expect your skin to look plumper, bouncier, and more youthful overall. Because the results are so natural, no one will be able to tell you got any work done!

Sculptra also helps to improve the overall texture of your skin. Besides getting rid of fine lines, wrinkles, and folds, Sculptra will make your skin look smoother and more radiant. 

Results usually become apparent gradually. However, the rate at which one can start to notice results might vary from person to person. 

Schedule a Consultation Today! 

Sculptra is a fantastic option for anyone looking to achieve a more youthful look. Sculptra is FDA-approved, safe, and has minimal downtime. It is a great treatment for anyone looking to fix an underlying cause of aging skin.

Picking the right provider to administer your Sculptra injections is key to getting the most out of the treatment. At Zero Gravity, we have the experience and knowledge to help you achieve the skin of your dreams!

So, if you are in Cincinnati and looking to get youthful-looking skin with Sculptra, you’ve come to the right place. Schedule a free consultation with us today! 

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