Jennifer is a Registered Nurse from Northern Kentucky and is specially trained and certified in Medical Aesthetics. Jen obtained her nursing degree in 2009 from Ivy Tech in Lawrenceburg, Indiana and has traveled all over the States working in various Pediatric ICU’s as a contract nurse until the opening of Zero Gravity.
Jennifer Walsh loves to travel, which is appropriate, because her life has been a remarkable journey. And at Zero Gravity, she is delighted to help scores of her clients along their own personal paths toward improvement.
She refers to her clients as on their “beauty journeys.”
Jennifer Walsh, RN
A.S.N., Northern Kentucky University
Treatments Performed:
Jen was born in Harrison, Ohio, near Cincinnati, and lived there until she was 18, when she moved to Northern Kentucky. Always outdoorsy, she loved to camp, boat and swim as she was growing up—and still does to this day. She didn’t play sports in high school, concentrating instead on academics. Math and science were her favorite subjects.
After she graduated, she started her family of five children. When the youngest entered kindergarten, Jen decided it was time to go back to school herself, starting at Northern Kentucky University and finishing her Nursing Degree at NKY partner institution, Ivy Tech.
She then dove deep into one of the most intense areas of the profession: Pediatric Intensive Care.
“I had a child born prematurely and I remembered all the time we spent in the hospital, and how important the nurses were,” she said. “For me, it felt like giving something back.”
So for the next few years, Jen traveled the nation, working as a contract Pediatric ICU nurse in locations including California, Colorado, Florida, Indiana—in all, 15 different hospitals all around the country. Sometimes, she was there for four weeks, sometimes a lot longer. She often brought her family along, and they used the experience as a time for adventure.
But nursing is stressful—and nursing in an intensive care setting is especially stressful. So when Jen met Candace Reusch (also an ICU nurse), the two bonded immediately. And they started discussing career paths beyond nursing.
Jen had been working in California around the time med spas started becoming popular there, and shared this knowledge with Candace. Jen was especially intrigued by the idea of having one place where working women could go to get a variety of treatments. The two very driven professionals began exploring the idea in earnest, and crafted a plan that became Zero Gravity.
“My dad owned his own business,” she said. “And Candace is a natural entrepreneur. So we started working, taking classes online and at locations around the country, and putting things in place to offer fillers, wrinkle reducers, facials, and eyelash extensions. It took us about five or six months. Then we took a deep breath and said, ‘here we go.’” Zero Gravity was up and running.
When you talk to Jen or Candace, you realize immediately that everything they offered from the beginning—or ever will offer—is based first on client safety.
“With both of us coming from ICU backgrounds, we both knew that we had to make safety the first priority,” she said. “These are medical procedures, and we treat them as such.”
Soon after opening Zero Gravity, the partners purchased a small med spa in Crestview Hills, moving Zero Gravity to the better, higher-profile location. Since then, Zero Gravity has been named “Best Med Spa in Northern Kentucky” twice, and continues to grow. The vision Jen and Candace had for their business keeps paying off.
“We did what we set out to do: build one location where women could come and get the treatments they wanted—all under one roof,” Jen said. “We wanted a place where they felt comfortable coming back, where they could tell someone what they wanted to do for themselves, and have someone really listen.
“And that’s what we do,” Jen said. “People share their dreams with us, and we help make them happen. That’s why I call it traveling with someone on her ‘beauty journey.’”
And it’s easy to tell how much Jen enjoys working with their clients. “My favorite thing to do is lip injections,” she said. “It’s an almost immediate transformation, and clients love it.”
She has lots of “before” and “after” pictures her clients have told her she can share.
“It’s a ‘beauty journey’ because every one of us in in a constant state of transformation and improvement. Sometimes, one improvement creates an opportunity for another. For example, we have one client who lost a lot of weight. In doing so, she also lost volume in her face. We were able to help her replace the volume and look younger with hyper-dilute Radiesse filler throughout her face. The filler doesn’t paralyze muscles, so she still had full range of expression, and she felt great. And because Radiesse lasts so long, we won’t have her back for a year or so.”
Jen emphasized that entire staff at Zero Gravity works with patients on their beauty journeys. “We cross-consult with our aestheticians all the time,” Jen said. “Clients mention things to them, and they share details with us. It helps us understand each client better, so we’re all moving in the right direction.”
And she stresses that it’s a never-ending process to make sure Zero Gravity is doing everything possible for its clients.
“We’re constantly taking new classes and looking at new procedures,” she said. “The business is evolving rapidly, and we make sure we keep up. Lately, we’ve added facial products like our BB Glow, because there are exciting new technologies there. We’ll be on top of the next good thing, too.”
When she’s not working, Jen spends time with her partner Kevin, her five children (Emili, Stephanie, Jack, Katie, and Chris), her three grandchildren (Riley, Ryan, and Jack) and her dog Waylon. She’s a die-hard Green Bay Packers fan who goes to Lambeau Field even in bad weather, and is always in search of the next adventure.
It’s part of her own beautiful journey.